Leftovers from yesterday’s meal are a generally placed in a container and stored in the fridge. Glass is one of the most common types of food storage containers, so can you safely microwave glass?
Well, it’s easy to assume that all glass is completely safe in the microwave, but that is not entirely true. Not all glass is designed to withstand the temperature requirements of heating and cooking in the microwave.
To know more about whether or not you can microwave a glass container or what precautionary measures you need to take, read on.
Is it safe to microwave glass?
When it comes time to reheat food, it’s common practice to take out the glass storage container and use the dish in the microwave to heat food. But the main question is – is it ok to microwave glass?
Glass containers can be safe to be used in microwave, but not all of them are designed or manufactured in such a way. Always, look for the microwave-safe label for a 100% manufacturer guarantee whether you can use the glass dish in the microwave or not.
Nowadays, glass containers that can be safely used in microwave will state the same guidelines on the box itself. You can surely use the glass to reheat the leftover food or hot beverage you enjoy consuming.
Food grade glass that is labeled as microwave safe will be completely safe for you to use while heating food and beverages. But on the other hand, there are some glasses that are not at all safe to be used in microwave.
For instance, if the glass is trimmed with metal then it is not at all microwave safe. Metal decorations can generate sparks causing the glass to shatter.
Furthermore, some types of glass features tiny air bubbles in the transparent substance. When heated in the microwave, the tiny air pockets or bubbles within the glass can expand a lot and cause the glass to shatter.

Will glass melt in microwave?
Glass is a hard, brittle substance that is made by fusing sand with soda, lime, calcium carbonate, silica and sodium carbonate. The mixture is heated to extreme heat until it becomes molten hot liquid, which is cooled to form a transparent or translucent material.
To achieve the transformation, the matter is heated as high as 1600 degree Fahrenheit. However, there are some types of glass that can melt at a temperature as low as 900 degrees Fahrenheit.
A standard kitchen microwave will not be able to produce that much heat in just a few seconds or minutes.
So, if you are using a microwave safe glass container for a minute or two in the microwave, it is completely safe and the glass will not melt.
For melting the glass in the microwave you will need a microwave kiln. This device can help you to bring the substance inside the microwave to a high temperature in a very short span. So, a microwave safe glass can be easily used in a microwave without the risk of melting it. Even if the glass container is not microwave safe, it can shattered into pieces after getting heated but not melt.
Can you microwave glass safely?
Safety concerns are the leading reason for why people ask not to use glass containers, cups or dishes in the microwave that are not safe. Though, as mentioned above, most types of glass can be microwaved safely in the kitchen appliance, you can try out a simple tests on your own.
There are some companies that label their glass dishes, cups or containers as microwave safe, but there are definitely some who don’t. If you are confused whether or not you can microwave glass containers or dishes safely, then you need to perform these following steps.
Here is a quick test to see if your glass containers and dishes are safe to use in the microwave:
Step 1: Take a cup that is labeled as microwave safe. Fill the cup about three quarters of the way full with water.
Step 2: Take the glass dish that you want to test whether it is labeled microwave safe or not. Put the dish and the cup side by side in the microwave. If there is not enough space, place the cup of water on top of the plate.
Step 3: Microwave the glassdish and cup both for about 30 seconds. After that you have to perform the touch test to compare the results.
If the test dish is warm and the water inside the microwave safe cup is cold, then the test dish is absorbing a lot of heat. That means, the test dish is not microwave safe.
On the contrary, if the water is hot and the dish is cool, then the dish is not absorbing the heat. That means, the test dish is safe to use in the microwave.
How long can you microwave glass?
The answer depends on what type of food or drink you are heating. For a cup of water, tea or coffee, microwaving for 60 seconds will be enough. But when it comes to food, you may need to microwave it for about 120 seconds or 2 minutes.
Microwave glassfor a maximum 120 seconds at a go, too much heat can shatter the glass or make it crack, even if it is labeled as microwave safe.
If the food is still not heated entirely, then you can take the dish out and give the food a good stir. Stirring will disperse the heat throughout the food and promote even cooking.
After stirring, continue heating for 120 seconds. Use short durations of time and stir the food in between each timeframe to evenly distribute the heat across the entire dish.
Tips to Microwave Glass
Not all glass containers, cookware and dishes are created equally. Before you go ahead and start microwaving a glass container, here are some heating and safety tips for you to consider:
- Only use high quality glassware from reputable brands. When using a glass container, dish or cup for microwaving, always check if it is labeled as microwave safe by the manufacturer.
- Test glassware if it is not properly labeled as microwave safe. If you are using a glass dish that is not labeled as microwave safe container, perform the test mentioned above before proceeding with microwaving food.
- Check if colored glass is microwave safe. If you are using colored glasses, verify that it is microwave safe. Otherwise, the dye used can leach into your food and make it hazardous to consume
- Do not overheat the glass containers when microwaving. Overheating glass can cause accidents or damages to the cookware or appliance you are using. Use 2 minute intervals and stir the food in-between each duration.
- Do not microwave glass decorated with metal. Glass with metal decorations is not safe to microwave because the metal can spark and ignite causing damage or a potential fire.
- Do not microwave glass with air pockets or tiny bubbles. Glass with decorated with tiny air bubbles or air pockets inside the glass are not safe to microwave. The air trapped inside the glass can heat up quickly and expand, causing the glass to crack or shatter.
- Do not microwave cold glass. If the glass dish was recently taken out of the refrigerator or freezer, allow the container to come to room temperature before exposing it to heat. Cold glass will crack if directly contacted with high heat.
- Do not overcrowd food. Overfilling a dish with food will reduce the heating ability of the microwave. Food will be heated unevenly resulting in hot and cold.
- Microwave similar foods. When microwaving food in the glassware, it’s best to heat foods that are alike to one another. Food items vary in cooking time, temperature and technique. Heating dissimilar items may result in off flavors or textures. Stick with similar foods to prevent such problems and make sure that all your microwaved food turns out to be delicious.
- Stop and stir. Use short intervals of time when you microwave food in glass container. In between each duration, stir the food inside the glass dish to disperse heat throughout the dish, promote even cooking and also reduce the overall microwave time.
- Reheat food to proper internal temperature. Reheated food products should be microwaved until they are above the temperature danger zone. Reheated food should be heated to a minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit or 74 degrees Celsius.
Microwaving Glass: Final Thoughts
Glass cookware, dishes and utensils are generally safe for microwave use. Glass has a high heat threshold that will not melt in standard microwave ovens, however there is a concern with regards to decorations and glass quality.
Glass with metal decoration or tiny air pockets in the substance should not be used. Metal can cause sparks in the microwave, and air bubbles will expand due to heat and cause the glass the break or shatter.
For best performance and results, stick to glassware designed by reputable brands. Here are the best microwave safe containers for you to add to your cookware collections.
From the above instructions and evaluations, it is not hard to get that you can microwave glasssafelyonly if it is labeled as microwave safe. That being said, microwave safe glass can crack or shatter if overheated or cold glass is used.
Hence, make sure to keep each every tips shared with you above to ensure complete safety. Follow this guide and you should be able to continue to safely microwave glass without any concerns.