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How to Microwave Pop Tarts

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Crunchy pastry crust with sweet filling, pop tarts are a quick breakfast or snack idea to fulfill both a sweet tooth and hunger craving. Loaded with fat, starch, and sugar, the flavor is enhanced when heated in the toaster or microwave.

The key to heating pop tarts are to not melt the frosting on top. However, microwaving pop tarts makes an even gooier texture and drastically improves the flavor.

How do you microwave pop tarts? Remove any foil or plastic package from the Pop Tarts and place them on a microwave-safe plate. Microwave for 10 to 20 seconds depending on the microwave wattage and how melted you would like inside.

Pop Tarts are delicious and perfect pastry to place in microwave to reheat before serving. They offer crunchy edges with mouthwatering melted inside that makes every bite heavenly.

If you are looking for another method than toaster oven, here we are discussing best microwave tips that result in tasty Pop Tarts every time. Answered below are frequently asked questions about fool-proof microwave time to make Pop Tarts extra enjoyable.

Can you cook Pop Tarts in the microwave?

Yes, you can cook Pop Tarts in the microwave. The microwave is suitable to cook Pop Tarts quickly resulting in a hot and gooey filling with warm crust. 

It is only safe to microwave 10 seconds to warm up a single serving. The timing will vary based on the microwave wattage and number of servings.

When microwave properly, the filling will become warm enough to melt. 

Be careful not to overcook the Pop Tart to a point where the filling becomes too hot because it can burn or dry up.

Can you microwave Pop Tarts in the wrapper?

No, you cannot microwave Pop Tarts in the wrapper. The Pop Tart wrapper is made with layers of foil that are not microwave-safe.

The foil is a type of metal that may melt, spark or catch fire in the microwave to destroy Pop Tarts as well as the microwave appliance. 

Therefore, the wrapper is only to keep them fresh for storage purposes and not for cooking. So, always remove the foil wrapper when placing Pop Tarts in a microwave.

How long to microwave Pop Tarts?

Heat up single Pop Tarts for 10 to 20 seconds in the microwave. Cooking time will vary depending on the microwave wattage and preferred filling texture.

When using an 800 wattage microwave, it will take a total of 10 seconds to warm up inside and outside, and an additional 10 seconds to get a fully melted inside filling. 

Ensure not to overcook the Pop Tarts to prevent the frosting from melting. 

Tips to microwave Pop Tarts

To make Pop Tarts taste just like it was cooked in the toaster, review these tips to microwave Pop Tarts and save time.

Here are microwave tips that will make your Pop Tarts more enjoyable:

  • Avoid using the foil wrapper when microwaving, these wrappers are made with aluminum foil that can melt or create fire in the microwave. 
  • Use microwave-safe plate to heat Pop Tarts, or a microwavable paper towel will also work
  • Do not overcrowd the Pop Tarts, place a maximum of 4 pieces in the appliance at one time.
  • When taking out the cooked Pop Tarts from a microwave, be careful when breaking because the filling may be burning hot.
  • Lower the power to medium and lengthen to heat in 5 second increments until you feel the pastry is hot.
  • If cooked more than 10 seconds, take the Pop Tarts out of the microwave let it cool for a few minutes. 

Best way to microwave Pop Tarts

Toasting Pop Tarts is the recommended method to heat up. But microwave is also suitable to cook Pop Tarts to result warm filling without altering the taste or texture of the crust.

Remove the Pop Tarts from foil wrapper and place them on a microwave-safe plate. It is recommended to heat one or two pieces of Pop Tarts in the microwave at a time, and do not exceed 4 pieces at one time. 

Microwave on high power for 10 seconds and avoid overcooking them. If the wattage of microwave is lower than 800 wattage, consider lengthening the cooking time to 20 seconds or until desired internal temperature is reached.

When removing the cooked Pop Tarts from microwave, be cautious as the filling may be burning hot.

Pop tarts in microwave

Microwaving Pop Tarts: Conclusion

Whether it is served for breakfast or midday snack, Pop Tarts are delicious pastries filled with fruit jam or brown sugar filling. They can be enjoyed straight out of package, but warming in the microwave improves the result.

They do taste much better when warmed up, and the microwave is a perfect appliance to heat up any flavor Pop Tart quickly

All Pop Tarts come in a metal foil package, so remove the wrapper before placing in the microwave because heating metal foil in the microwave is very dangerous and can lead to a fire.

Put them on a microwave-safe plate or use a paper towel. Set the timer on microwave for 10 seconds on high power.

Let them cool down for 10 seconds before picking them up from microwave or use oven mitten to avoid from burning. When breaking the pastry in half, be careful as the filling may be extremely hot and could cause a burn.