Microwave ovens have become popular as they are convenient for warming. reheating and cooking. In fact, the microwave makes all tasks a bit easier, including warming liquids to fill a baby bottle.
Can you microwave a plastic baby bottle? Yes, a microwave safe plastic baby bottle can be used to heat up liquid in the microwave. Excretes caution and keep heating time to less than 30 seconds, shake the bottle after nuking and test to see if the beverage is not too hot to serve to your infant.
If so, what is the safest way to microwave a plastic baby bottle? Let’s take a look at the issues involved and how to microwave baby bottle safely to avoid any risks involved.
Is it safe to microwave a plastic baby bottle?
Microwaving plastic baby bottle has certain minor and major outcomes. These have to be kept in mind before you proceed with microwaving a plastic baby bottle.
First and foremost is the concern about plastic. Microwaving plastic has its own concerns that come with the convenience.
It is recommended to use microwave safe plastic, and still it should only be nuked on medium heat for less than 2 minutes. Furthermore, BPA-free plastic helps to reduce the risk of exposure to the harmful chemical compound.
Heating the baby bottle may not ruin the plastic baby bottle, however microwaving does result in some changes to the meal prep:
- Heating breast milk can harm the natural immunity boosting properties.
- Heating infant milk formulas can result in the loss of vitamins and minerals when overheated.
Real dangers of microwaving:
- The liquid within the bottle can become extremely hot in just a few seconds, though the bottle itself may not feel warm on the exterior. This, in turn, can result in the baby’s esophagus, mouth, and throat being burned from drinking a liquid that is scalding hot within the bottle.
- Steam is built up within due to heating up of liquid, and since the bottle is closed, it can result in the explosion of the bottle.
- Uneven heating of the infant formula can cause hot spots within the liquid resulting in throat and mouth burns of the baby.
This is why microwaving the baby bottle is not recommended, but can be done with sufficient caution and awareness.

Can you microwave water for baby bottles?
Water can be microwaved for baby bottles, but only when exercising particular carefulness.
4oz. of water can be placed in a microwave safe plastic baby bottle and heated for about 15 secs without any lid. Remove the bottle from the appliance, fasten the lid back on, and then shake vigorously.
Pour some drops on your wrist to check the temperature for suitability. This way, there are no hot spots after the plastic baby bottle has been shaken, and the temperature has also been checked.
Can you microwave the plastic baby bottle safely?
Microwaving a plastic baby bottle can be done safely, with certain precautions must be followed when doing so. These safeguards are to be followed for ensuring the well-being of the baby and any other unlikely occurrences while microwaving.
To safely microwave a plastic baby bottle:
- Use a microwave safe plastic baby bottle.
- Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Do not microwave with your baby in your arms/holding him/her.
- Microwave the bottle without the lid.
- Nuke for 15 seconds at a time.
- Secure the lid and shake the bottle to eliminate hot spots within the beverage.
- Check the temperature before feeding the baby.
- When using a new or different microwave, exercise caution as all appliances do not have the same wattage levels.
Can you put a baby bottle in the microwave?
Yes, a baby bottle can be placed in the microwave. However, it must be done with proper caution to avoid a few potential risks.
Heating a baby bottle may not pose any danger to the infant, as per the study. Parents are afraid to microwave baby bottles due to the heating hazards or lack of proper information on microwaving plastic in general.
The risk of burning a baby’s esophagus, mouth, and throat has been one of primary concern with microwaving baby bottles. The bottles seems to be fine with touch, but the liquid within has hot spots from overheating.
It is essential to understand that heating breastmilk or formula for infants within the microwave for about 30 secs in a nursing bottle is considered suitable. Check for safety by shaking the bottle and testing the temperature on your wrist before serving.
How do you microwave plastic baby bottle?
How long can you put a baby bottle in the microwave? Warm 4oz. baby bottles at full power for 30 seconds while 8oz. bottles can be heated for 45 seconds and when heated in a microwave.
Below is the suggested procedure to microwave a plastic baby bottle safely
- Add a couple of ounces of water in a safe microwave cup and place this cup in the microwave. Do not fill the cup, it should be about ¼ of the cup. This is because when the baby bottle is placed inside the cup, the water gets displaced.
- Heat this cup of water for one minutes or until hot.
- Place the plastic baby bottle into this cup of hot water and spin it around.
- After a couple of minutes, look for the bottle of liquid to reach a suitable temperature. This can be done by dropping a little liquid on your wrist to check that the liquid is warm and not hot.
- When the liquid of the bottle is sufficiently warm for the baby to drink, go ahead and bottle feed your baby.
How long can you microwave plastic baby bottle?
Microwave a baby bottle by keeping them upright while heating. It is best not to warm less than 4 oz of breastmilk or infant formula within a microwave as it can scald the baby’s mouth.
When microwaving plastic baby bottles, 4 oz. bottles of formula or breastmilk should be heated for no more than 30 seconds at full power. For 8 oz. bottles, heating at full power should not go over 45 seconds.
Tips to Microwave Plastic Baby Bottle
Plastic baby bottles may not be optimal for microwaving, but sometimes it is the only resort. It is best to microwave plastic baby bottle with the following precautions:
- Make use of microwave safe plastic bottles only. It is best not to heat breastmilk or infant formula in disposable liners or sealed baby bottles as they have a chance to explode.
- Leave the bottle lid open during microwaving. Nipples and lids trap steam and can result in heat soaring within that may result in an explosion.
- Heat refrigerated formula and breastmilk to room temperature before increasing beyond that point. Cold plastic can crack or break from a rapid thermodynamic transition between cold and hot temperatures.
- Keep the baby bottles upright while heating.
- Warm at least 4 oz of breastmilk or infant formula and not lesser than that. This is to avoid any scalding risk of the baby’s mouth.
- Fasten the bottle nipple before serving and then swirling-inverting it at least for 10 times to fully mix the uneven temperatures within the bottle. This will neutralize all the hot spots within the liquid.
- Test the liquid before feeding your baby. A couple of drops of milk from the microwaved baby bottle should be tested for temperature by pouring them on the top portion of your hand preferably. This is even more sensitive than the wrist and it should be cool when touching the liquid.
- Do not feed right away after the formula has been heated. The same procedure should be advised to the caregivers to avoid any unlikely happening to the baby.
Microwaving Plastic Baby Bottle: Final Thoughts
Yes, you can microwave a plastic baby bottle. However, it is essential to follow the necessary precautions and care while doing so.
There are reservations about using plastic in the microwave, however microwave safe plastic baby bottles should alleviate those hesitations.
The risks associated with prolonged heating and inappropriate heating of a baby bottle can scald the baby’s mouth, throat and esophagus. Shake the bottle to even out the temperature within and test the liquid before serving it to your infant.
If you have any aversions, then consider heating the liquid up on the stovetop or in a ceramic or glass container inside the microwave. Then, transfer the warm liquid to a baby bottle and proceed with your feeding schedule.
When all the mentioned cautions above are followed, you can microwave a plastic baby bottle without any reservations. This way, you make your work easier while your baby enjoys a risk-free bottle feeding.